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10th Annual Israel-US Real Estate Investment Conference: Allocating to U.S. Real Estate in an Uncertain Global Economy

February 13, 2019
Tel Aviv, Israel

8:00-9:15 Breakfast and Networking

9:15-9:30 Opening Remarks

Zev Gewurz, Director, Goulston & Storrs

9:30-10:00 Emerging Trends in Real Estate®

Mitch Roschelle, Partner, PWC

10:15-10:45 Capital Markets Update

David Lazarus, Managing Director, Eastdil Secured

Ian Marcus, Senior Advisor, Eastdil Secured

11:00-11:20 Legal Roundup: 10 Topics in 20 Minutes

Zev Gewurz, Director, Goulston & Storrs

Yaacov Gross, Director, Goulston & Storrs

Abraham Leitner, Director, Goulston & Storrs

11:20-12:00 Panel Discussion: Funds to Family Offices: Views from the U.S.

Ted Willcocks, Global Head of Asset Management, Real Estate, Manulife Real Estate

Richard A. Flohr, CFA, Managing Director of the Strategic Debt Fund, CrossHarbor Capital Partners

Yotam Alroy, Co-Founder, Mindspace

12:00-1:00 Coffee and Dessert