Representative Matters
Estate Planning for Real Estate Assets
Entrepreneurs and Owners
Estate plans for entrepreneurs and owners of operating businesses and real estate enterprises.
Minority Owner of Family-Held Manufacturing Company
Estate administration for minority owner of family-held manufacturing company, including valuation of business and real estate entities, planning for payment of taxes in installments and negotiations among family members regarding possible sale of the minority share.
Division of Trusts
Division of trusts to create sub-trusts wholly exempt from generation-skipping transfer (“GST”) tax.
Estate Plans
Estate plans for investment entrepreneurs including VC’s, private equity and hedge fund principals and managers.
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts
Creation and funding of Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (“GRATs”) to hold: interests in publicly-traded companies, closely-held business interests, commercial real estate interests.
Sales and Gifts to Long-Term Trusts
Sales and gifts to long-term trusts, taking advantage of exemptions from the gift and generation-skipping transfer tax, including transfers to trusts which are ‘defective’ for income tax purposes.
Retirement Asset Planning
Retirement asset planning involving complex beneficiary designations and post-death planning involving trusts, as well as charitable uses of such assets.
Ownership of Substantial Life Insurance Policies
Planning for ownership of substantial life insurance policies by irrevocable trusts and other arrangements.
Family Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies
Creation of family limited partnerships and limited liability companies as vehicles to preserve family assets for future generations.
Qualified Personal Residence Trusts
Preparation of Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (“QPRTs”) to hold valuable primary and vacation residences.
Negotiation of Sophisticated Gift Agreements and Preparation of Estate Plans
Negotiation of sophisticated gift agreements and preparation of estate plans involving major charitable dispositions.
Tax Court Litigation Involving IRS
Favorable settlement of Tax Court litigation involving IRS disallowance of substantial valuation discount for interest in family limited partnership for estate tax purposes.
Qualified Disclaimers
Use of qualified disclaimers to equalize estate taxes on successive deaths of a wealthy couple.