Back to Business, Returning to the Workplace Part III

May 18, 2020 at 12:00pm12:30pm

Watch the Recording

Shifting Timesis a series

of 30-minute collaborative webinars that explore ways in which businesses can navigate through the transitional times caused by the COVID-19 event.

In our recent webinar, Back to Business, Returning to the Workplace Part III, Josh Davis and Elizabeth Levine discussed what it means to return to the physical workplace and what employers should address if and when they reopen their doors.

    Deciding whether to reopen: Every business is different. Your decision to reopen should be based on your specific business needs, considering how well the business can run under the current guidance. While the government says that businesses can reopen, that does not mean you need to or even should. If remote working has been successful, continued remote working will likely be the best option. Most government guidance urges remote work for as long as practicable.

    The new physical workplace will feel very different, and it will until we have a vaccine or meaningful therapeutic drug for the virus. In the meantime, develop a new understanding of how you will need to reorganize your workplace and think about whether reopening under these circumstances makes sense for the business.

    Subscribing to a new philosophy: Shift workplace culture from a performative one—in which employees prove their commitment to their jobs by showing up to work even if they have to power through feeling sick—to a community-based culture of care —in which employees all understand that they have a responsibility to help keep everyone in the workplace safe.

    Goal if / when reopening: Consistent with current guidance, including CDC guidelines and requirements established by the Commonwealth’s Reopening Massachusetts report, make the workplace as safe as possible to prevent the virus from spreading and lessen risk if something goes wrong. Establish a written Control Plan and address social distancing, hygiene protocols, staffing and operations (employee wellness), and cleaning and disinfection. Ensure that you have the proper postings and conduct employee trainings before employees re-enter your workspace. Click here to read the complete summary.

    Watch the previous webinars here:

    Back to Business, Returning to the Workplace Part I

    Back to Business, Returning to the Workplace Part II

    Check out the following MA reopening materials referenced on the May 18 webinar:
