OnePlace Risk & Compliance for Legal: Intapp Intake and Intapp Conflicts

June 23, 2022 at 11:00am12:00pm (EST)
David Monteiro

David Monteiro, Goulston & Storrs' Senior Manager of Risk and Intake, will participate in: OnePlace Risk & Compliance for Legal: Intapp Intake and Intapp Conflicts. 

This webinar will explore how firms effectively leverage OnePlace Risk & Compliance to thoroughly evaluate new business, quickly onboard clients, and easily monitor relationships throughout the client lifecycle. This webinar will feature Intapp clients who have turned their firm’s risk and compliance management issues into a competitive advantage with OnePlace Risk & Compliance solutions.

This forum will include a discussion on matter evaluation to help firms learn to effectively leverage OnePlace Risk & Compliance for risk and compliance management tasks:

  • Streamlining conflicts evaluation and resolution using the interactive conflicts report
  • Learning from Goulston & Storrs’s interactive conflicts report adoption success story
  • Evaluating new matters thoroughly using scoring and sanctions list integrations
  • Monitoring existing matters for changes to key risk data

This event is an excellent forum to build knowledge of OnePlace Risk & Compliance:

  • Share best practices with peers and the Intapp Client Success team
  • Learn tips and tricks that firms use to maximize the power of their Intapp products
  • Learn about the latest OnePlace Risk & Compliance features and functionality