The FTC’s Noncompete Rule: Navigating Legal Uncertainty - CANCELED

August 28, 2024 at 10:00am (EST)
Zoom Webinar

Important Update: This webinar has been overtaken by events and will no longer take place. On August 20th, a federal court declared the FTC rule banning noncompetition agreements invalid and enjoined its enforcement. More to come as events warrant. In the meantime, the decision is available here.


As the FTC's final Noncompete Rule nears implementation, employers are preparing for an unprecedented and dramatic shift in the legal and business landscape. Unless a federal court intervenes, most noncompete agreements will be unenforceable after the Rule’s effective date of September 4, 2024.

Join us for the latest updates and practical guidance on preparing for and complying with the FTC's final Noncompete Rule.

Note: This webinar is contingent upon the status of the enforcement of the FTC’s Rule. If a broad injunction is issued before the date of this webinar, the webinar will be cancelled and all registrants will receive a cancellation notice from Goulston & Storrs.