Phil Feola commercial real estate land use zoning housing planned unit developments historic preservation urban renewal environmental law contracts condemnation administrative litigation governmental licensing

Representative Matters

Professional Sports Organization Zoning and Entitlements for Sports Arena

Representation of a professional sports organization to secure zoning and entitlements for an open-air, 19,000 seat professional sports arena.  In this process, assisted the client with design review, multiple impact analysis, document drafting, easements, construction contracts and abutters agreements. Also coordinated multiple professional and governmental agency assessments through this in-depth process.

Real Estate Company 3M Sq. Ft. Redevelopment of Property

Long-term representation of a major real estate company in connection with the 3 million sq. ft. redevelopment of property located in an underserved section of Washington DC. Working with the client and the District to achieve a mixed-use, affordable and senior housing master plan that incorporates retail, office and transportation. We helped the client file the necessary applications for entitlements and permits so that they may move forward with infrastructure improvements.

Independent Schools Land Use Approvals

Representation of a number of independent schools in the District in connection with securing the appropriate land use approvals for expanding both student and faculty population. Also handled the significant coordination with governmental agencies for the expansion of the school’s physical facilities with ground-up construction.