Our Service Difference

Goulston & Storrs is uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive, nationwide full-service assistance to those engaged in public-private partnerships. We have one of the most longstanding, diverse and reputable real estate practices in the country, coupled with a team of lawyers that understands government decision-making processes extraordinarily well.

A number of our lawyers have served in government, and bring a public policy perspective to our representation of private clients. We have also represented government agencies and officials, and we understand their goals, their concerns and their constituent interests, which allows us to structure public private partnerships that will benefit each of the parties to a deal.  We relish opportunities to unlock private-sector resources to accomplish or contribute to public policy imperatives. 

Because of our experience, we understand how laws, regulations and government procedures apply to novel public-private projects, especially in urban areas with unique regulatory frameworks, such as Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C.

Our affiliate, GS Public Strategies LLC, can also assist clients with legislative or regulatory matters in Massachusetts by providing lobbying services and ensuring compliance with the Massachusetts Lobbying Law. 

Because we have handled development projects in many jurisdictions, we have a well-developed network of relevant consultants, professionals, government contacts and local counsel who can add value to our work for the benefit of our clients.

Lawyers at our firm also place a cultural emphasis on individualized attention to every client matter, focusing on responsiveness, lean staffing, efficiency and results. Because of our low leverage business model, we often handle matters successfully with fewer lawyers than our peer law firms while remaining more accessible to our clients, making sure that a senior level lawyer is constantly interfacing with each client on every matter.  

Our legal professionals are keenly aware as well of the business context in which legal decisions must be made, and we make special efforts to understand the unique business and industry background of each client as it pertains to any assignment.