"Fiduciary Income Tax: Planning and Strategies," Boston Bar Association

March 2014

Goulston & Storrs attorney, Brad Bedingfield, to serve as panelist for the BBA's Fiduciary Income Tax: Planning and Strategies" event on March 6, 2014.

Fiduciary Income Tax: Planning and Strategies

Thursday, March 6, 2014
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Boston Bar Association
16 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02108


Join us for an in depth look at the complicated income tax rules of fiduciary accounting relative to estates and trusts, and how to keep your practice and your clients in compliance with the latest requirements and considerations.

With the increase in the estate and gift exemption amounts, as well as increased income tax rates, trusts & estates and tax planning attorneys should turn their focus to federal and state income tax issues affecting estates and trusts. A comprehensive understanding of the various income tax rules, increased rates and the implication of new income taxes will give practitioners a better understanding of the income tax implications of planning strategies
recommended to clients.


• Estates
• Gross Income: DNI
• Income Distribution Deduction
• Income Taxation to Beneficiaries - K-1
• Tax Returns and Tax Payments
• Granto Trusts
• State Income Tax
• Foreign Trusts


Stephen Ziobrowski
Day Pitney LLP

Kelly J. Guarino
Lourie & Cutler, PC

Steve Goldman
Ernst & Young LLP

Bradford Bedingfield
Goulston & Storrs, PC