
Goulston & Storrs’ Public-Private Partnerships Group is an interdisciplinary team of creative, experienced lawyers, many of whom have previously served in government, who provide both public and private sector clients with legal and strategic advice on complex public-private projects and initiatives.

We offer private sector leaders and government officials the judgment, counseling and strategic advice that come from many years of experience working on complex, high-profile public projects. We can help private sector clients navigate the governmental decision-making process and provide useful insights into how to compete successfully for public sector driven opportunities. Overall, our team has a unique set of assets and experiences that gives us the best possible understanding of the law and policy implications of any public-private partnership.

Goulston & Storrs attorneys have significant experience in structuring a wide range of public-private partnerships (“PPPs”) for public and private clients, so we recognize that PPPs are almost always unique. The optimal structure for each PPP depends on the type of project, the needs and limitations of the governmental agencies, and the business models of the private partners. We understand both the political considerations that public agencies face and the financial imperatives of our clients doing business in this area, and we relish the creative lawyering that is critical to guiding successful projects in this expanding realm.

Our interdisciplinary teams work seamlessly with clients from the inception of an idea for a PPP project to its completion, identifying public and private financing sources, and matching them to project delivery schedules and the financial expectations of the private partners and their investors.

We have experience structuring the legal and financing arrangements for the delivery of public-private projects, and in drafting requests for proposals and other bidding documents for our public clients. Our lawyers have guided public agencies safely and successfully through complex procurements, and helped private clients to secure outstanding and unique public-private opportunities.