Legal Pricing & Project Management Survey Virtual Summit

March 3, 2022 at 2:00pm4:00pm (EST)

Produced by the Legal Value Network and Blickstein Group, the 2nd Annual Legal Pricing and Project Management Survey, created in collaboration with Intapp, delivers the most in-depth data set ever for legal pricing and project management professionals. Asking many of the same (or parallel) questions as the 14th Annual Law Department Operations Survey, it provides direct comparisons and contrasts between the perspectives of law firm pricing and project management professionals and law department operations professionals on the topics of common priority and focus that did not exist in the industry until now.

Click here to download the report.

The Legal Pricing & Project Management Survey Virtual Summit takes the same approach and brings the data to life, with leading LPPM and law department operations professionals analyzing and discussing the results—both among themselves and with you. 

Chief Value Officer Christopher Ende will participate in this virtual event to discuss insights into the alignments and disconnects between law firm and client legal operations professionals.