The Impact of Climate Change on the Commercial Real Estate Industry: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Investment (A complimentary webinar)

December 2014

The Impact of Climate Change on the Commercial Real Estate Industry: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Investment

A complimentary webinar
December 10, 2014 • 1 PM ET

Brush fires, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. The apparently increasing threat of climate-related disasters is a growing issue for commercial real estate assets. But how proactive is the CRE community in preparing and responding to these disasters? And, ultimately, when Mother Nature strikes, who pays? A recently published national survey of developers, owners, investors and managers took an in-depth look at this issue, and in this exclusive webinar event, a panel of experts discusses the far-reaching implications of the findings for commercial real estate practitioners.

Critical issues for discussion include:

  • The programs commercial real estate executives institute to guard against natural threats and protect life and property;
  • The impact of climate on investment/development decision-making;
  • The value practitioners put on government assistance programs;
  • How the costs of emergency preparedness are handled by the real estate community;
  • How the issue of liability is treated; plus
  • Your questions answered in real time.

Register now for the complimentary webinar, "The Impact of Climate Change on the Commercial Real Estate Industry: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Investment," and catch it live on December 10, 2014.

The survey report, “The Impact of Climate Change on the Commercial Real Estate Industry: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Investment,” will be made available for download free of charge to participants.

Featured Speakers:

Peter D. Corbett
Director and Co-Chair,
Climate Change Resilience Task Force
Goulston & Storrs

Matthew J. Kiefer
Director and Co-Chair,
Climate Change Resilience Task Force
Goulston & Storrs

Alan M. Reisch
Director and Co-Chair,
Climate Change Resilience Task Force
Goulston & Storrs