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Brookland Neighborhood Tour

June 2014
Arts/Flex Space, 3415 8th Street NE, Washington, DC

CREW DC Brookland Neighborhood Tour

Tuesday, June 17

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Join CREW for an informal conversation on the emergence of Brookland as a reinvented neighborhood in DC. How this new "place" came to be, developer expectations, community input/reaction and ultimate outcomes will all be topics of discussion. The eventing will begin with a panel discussion at the Arts/Flex space, and will be followed by a walking tour of Brookland's latest developments, Bozzuto's Monroe Street Market mixed-use project and EYA's Chancellor's Row townhouse community, with a stop at the newly re-opened Dance Place.

Click here to register.


Paul A. Tummonds, Jr., Director, Goulston & Storrs


Carla Perlo, Founding Director, Dance Place

Jack Lester, Senior Vice President, EYA

Mike Henehan, Vice President, Bozzuto Development