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Pragma International Virtual Congress 2020

October 23, 2020
Pragma Webcast

The Pragma International Virtual Congress 2020 is October 19 - 23. Guests and experts will share trends relating to the current legal and commercial environment.

Join Goulston & Storrs during the virtual conference. 

Click here to learn more about the Pragma International Virtual Congress 2020.

An Overview of the Hospitality Industry
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 20
G&S Speaker: Cecilia Gordon
An overview of the hospitality industry markets in the US and Western Europe, including Netherlands and Spain, and the impact of COVID19 on the respective markets, covering e.g. valuation, usage of space etc. Industry specialists, lawyers and clients will share insights and expertise.

State-of-the-Art in Retail
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 21
G&S Speaker: Matt Epstein
Explore current developments in the fashion and retail spheres generally (including the effects of COVID19) by offering perspectives from the critical players in the field: developers, retailers, internet retailers and manufacturers. We expect to have both lawyers and clients on the panel sharing insights and expertise.

Providing a Common Language for the Legal Industry
Date & Time: Friday, October 23
G&S Speaker: Kelly Harbour
SALI is a not-for-profit organization comprised of legal industry professionals from legal operations, law firms and solution providers with the goal of developing open, practical industry standards for efficient and innovative legal services.