Goulston & Storrs Joins LCLD’s Leaders at the Front Movement
Goulston & Storrs, an Am Law 200 firm, is pleased to announce that the firm’s co-managing directors, Bill Dillon and Marty Fantozzi, have each made a “Leader’s Pledge” to the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity’s (LCLD) Leaders at the Front movement. As part of the initiative, LCLD has asked each of its members to craft a personal, public statement – a Leader’s Pledge – that highlights each leader’s personal commitment to diversity and how the firm plans to translate that commitment into organizational changes that are specific, meaningful, and measurable.
LCLD believes that sharing a public commitment in writing is valuable for everyone, from people inside each organization to peer LCLD members, who may draw inspiration from other Leader’s Pledges and seek to implement similar changes in their own organizations. It also amplifies the collective voice of LCLD members as a tool to create lasting change.
“We are honored to participate in this important initiative and formalize our personal commitment to ensuring that our lawyers from underrepresented backgrounds receive high-quality work and essential development opportunities in an environment focused on eliminating obstacles to career advancement,” said Bill Dillon, Co-Managing Director of Goulston & Storrs.
“We truly value the collaborations we have with organizations like LCLD that empower us to address the challenges faced by attorneys from underrepresented groups head-on while keeping the entire legal industry on a path towards continuous improvement,” added Marty Fantozzi, Co-Managing Director.
Many Goulston & Storrs attorneys have participated in LCLD’s Pathfinder and Fellows programs, including most recently Thuy-Dien Bui, Neema Chaiban, Linh Lingenfelter, Carla Reeves, Yareni (Yari) Sanchez, Kerry Spindler, and Megan Watts.
Founded in 2009, LCLD is one of the nation’s leading organizations promoting diversity and consists of more than 350 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners – the leadership of the profession – who have dedicated themselves to creating a truly diverse U.S. legal profession. For information, visit www.lcldnet.org.