Sonia Steel corporate employment tax lawyer attorney

Representative Matters

M&M Transport’s Sale to Schneider

Representation of M&M Transport Services, a dedicated contract carrier that provides specialty solutions for the retail and manufacturing verticals, on its sale to Schneider National, Inc., a premier multimodal provider of transportation, intermodal, and logistics services. The sale further complements Schneider’s Dedicated organic growth success and places Schneider on a glidepath toward $1.5 billion in annual Dedicated contract revenues and 6,500 Dedicated tractors in service to their valued customer base.

Gordon Brothers' Acquisition of Durkin Group

Representation of Gordon Brothers, the global asset experts, in their acquisition of Durkin Group, a professional services firm that provides field examination and diligence services to lenders, investors, and operators in North America. The investment enhances Gordon Brothers’ suite of service offerings to assist companies throughout their lifecycle, complements the firm’s valuation, disposition and capital services, and expands its expertise to better serve clients.

Representation of PT Networks in Sale to Athletico

Represented PT Networks, a premier provider of physical therapy, occupational health, and onsite corporate health services, in its sale to Athletico Physical Therapy, a portfolio company of funds affiliated with BDT Capital Partners, LLC, through an auction process conducted by Jefferies. G&S, in collaboration with key trusted advisors and industry experts, helped Pivot attain significant operational and financial improvements, while the company continued to provide top-notch patient care despite challenges faced throughout the pandemic.

AXA IM Alts and its Affiliates in one of the Largest Industrial Portfolio Acquisitions of 2020

Representation of AXA IM Alts and its affiliates in one of the largest industrial portfolio acquisitions of 2020. The portfolio consists of 27 assets in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Central New Jersey, Dallas, South Florida, Southern New Jersey and Atlanta. In a significant step in its strategy to grow a U.S. wide logistics platform, AXA IM Alts, on behalf of clients and through a joint venture with Cabot Properties, Inc., acquired the 7,984,000 s/f portfolio for approximately $875 million, through a share purchase of a REIT previously managed by Cabot Properties. Representation included all matters related to property diligence, structuring, joint venture, purchase, financing, tax and environmental considerations of the property, including tax and structuring issues relating to cross-border investments.

Victim Rights Law Center: Rebuilding the lives of sexual assault survivors through extensive training, established trust, and hope.

Case Study: Victim Rights Law Center

The Victim Rights Law Center (“VRLC”) is the nation’s first nonprofit law center dedicated to providing sexual assault survivors with comprehensive legal representation. From its inception, the VRLC sought to distinguish itself as the first nonprofit law center in the country solely focused on providing free, survivor-centered legal services to sexual assault victims of all ages, gender identities, and sexual orientations, and to survivors at the intersections of oppression who are often the most marginalized and in need of legal assistance.

Executive Compensation

Designs and drafts executive compensation employee benefit plans.

Merger & Acquisition Review and Analysis

Performs due diligence review and analysis on compensation, benefits, and employment issues for mergers and acquisitions.

Employee Benefit Plan Design and Compliance

Represents clients in all areas of employee benefit plan and equal employment communications.

Benefit Plan Strategy and Implementation

Provides legal guidance for benefit plan strategy and implementation.

Compliance Under Federal Laws

Provides guidance to clients on compliance under federal laws such as ERISA, COBRA, HIPAA, FMLA and the tax code (including Section 409A).

Equity Award Plans

Designs and drafts equity award plans and tax qualified employee benefit plans.

Examinations and Audits

Handles examinations and audits by the IRS, Department of Labor, and Department of Health & Human Services, as well as state agencies.

Employment Negotiations and Plans for Non-Profit Organizations

Advises non-profit organizations in connection with the full range of employment negotiations and plans.